The girl I want to be.

With the holiday season’s ending creeping up on us, thoughts of a new year are on my mind.

“New year. New you,” is a phrase we’ve all heard before, usually equated to hours in the gym and a restrictive diet. Well, I’m not setting the bar that high. I have another challenge to be a new you.

Try out the style you’ve always revered, but never felt quite right about. For me, it’s the minimalist. That girl that can wear just a white shirt and jeans and look more put together than when she’s wearing a gown. I always pile on the accessories and the colors. I’m more of a maximalist in the prints department, yet when I’m pinning away on Pinterest, I’m drawn to the women in essentials with interesting cuts. This style embodies “buy less, buy better”, and really encourages a collection instead of wear-once pieces.

What’s the style that you’ve never quite been able to master? Try it out for a week this year. Guaranteed after a full week it will be more in your comfort zone. Let’s try being the style icon we want to be in 2015.