How to keep this week stress free.

Hanukkah started today. Christmas comes in one week. This is when things get hectic. You forgot a few gifts. There’s baking and wrapping and a million family members and holiday gatherings.


Take some “me” time amidst it all. Whether its 10 minutes to enjoy your favorite tea, an hour to hit the gym, or two to watch your favorite holiday movie, just do it. This is your break too and the season should be joyous.

Don’t lose sight of the big picture. Every year the holidays come and go in a flash. Not every gift has to be the most thoughtful and gorgeous thing you’ve ever seen. Don’t compete with yourself or others. Remember that this is really a time to be with people you love, and presents are sort of an added bonus.

Let people help you. Sure, I love wrapping my presents with special flair. But sometimes when time is running short, it’s okay to let a store gift wrap for you. Make a date to bake cookies with a relative. And hey, if they’re not perfect, you won’t feel all the pressure.

Treat yourself. Eat the cookie you want. Buy that little bracelet you bought for your aunt but really wanted for yourself (or keep it and get her a candle again). It’s okay. Let go of gift guilt.