Gift Giving – Larrimor’s Makes Your Life Easier

There are a few things that I didn’t mention about the store in my Mother’s Day post that are worth noting. And I know there are a lot of people still out there who did not get Mom and Grandma a gift yet. So you’re getting down to the wire here. Don’t even think about ordering something online and crossing your fingers for the expedited shipping to arrive on time.

Let us help you. Pick something in the store and we’ll wrap it for free.

"wrapped gift" "present" "gold gift"

This saves you that obligatory CVS run after buying the gift to get a cheesy gift bag that won’t quite do your awesome present justice. And while we’re wrapping the gift, you can relax. Our sales associates helped you through the process. Mom will love it. Have a seat and have a coffee or a water on us.

"latte" "coffee"

By the time you’re done sipping your coffee, we’ll have you wrapped and ready. And to top it off, we’ll validate your parking. Seriously, we try to make your life as easy as possible. We don’t hold it against you that you wait until the last minute to do something thoughtful. We just want to make sure that Mom looks like this on Sunday.

"Lucy surprised" "Lucille Ball"