Fashion Overload – How do you deal?

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Fashion week is a bit overwhelming to me, even as a total outsider who’s just watching what goes down through social media. The trends seem all over the place. The street style is over the top (which I do like, but I’ll admit New York’s men were a bit sloppy this year), yet somehow when the actual collections come out, it all seems to make sense. A few trends emerge, but generally, things aren’t all that different from the year before.

It’s all a lot to process, and somehow even throughout it all we’re able to define decades by fashion styles and choose our own looks from the racks and racks of available merchandise. So, my question is: how do you do it? How do you process all of the styles and choose what you like?

I’m always drawn to people who have somewhat of a uniform, a style that’s consistent every day and looks like it requires very little work, but it never seems to work that way for me. I buy crazy pieces that I can’t stand to live without, even if I’ve got nowhere to wear them. My style is mix of all different pieces that I think comes together as eclectic. It changes sort of naturally. I go through periods of more or less jewelry and lately I’m turning more to separates instead of dresses without any real reason for the shift except my aesthetic. What about you? How do you define your style and not get overwhelmed twice a year with all the fashion world has to offer?