Dreaming of Paris – Get inspired.

Now that spring is on its way out and my trip has been over for a few months, the feeling is kicking in of ‘Wow that really was amazing,’ and ‘I saw all of those things that are popping up on the blogs I read,’ and ‘I need to do that again’.

I came across a really beautiful blog called Paris in 4 months that took even better pictures than I did. It captures more than just the tourist standouts. You’ll get a feel for the food, the markets, the small streets, and just the general ins and outs of day to day life.

What’s your dream trip? Whatever it is, take it. Yes, there might be rain and you’ll have some mishap like forgetting your underwear or losing luggage. I admit, I had a meltdown at the top of the Eiffel Tower (spoiler alert: it gets VERY crowded at the little point). But when you look back, you’ll be so glad you did it.