Etiquette: Dining Out

Let’s face it… We all have that friend that always “forgets” to bring money when were out on the weekend or when were at a dinner with a group of people. It is the worst! Dining out with a group of friends should be a joyful occasion, but these memorable meals can turn into a mess of confusion and hurt feelings when it comes time to split the check. Save the table that collective pain and be thoughtful of your server by following these tips for dividing the bill.

When someone else treats make sure to cover the tip. Consider it a gesture of thanks and goodwill. The host may decline, but at least you’ve made an attempt. Asking the server to split up the bill at the end of the meal is a messy move. If you’d like separate checks, request them before anyone has ordered.

Someone needs to take control of divvying up the check. Elect a foreman. It is easier for one person to look at the check to make sure there’s still enough to cover the check if someone under pays. Equality is key. The easiest way to split the check is to simply divide it evenly amongst the diners and agree on the percentage tip you’ll each leave. Remember to use the phone. Your phone doesn’t just take pictures, it also has a calculator!